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munsonmischief, Page 4


Breakfast and very early (for us) dinner. We snacked on brownies, green grapes and turkey meat through the middle of the day so we’re calling it all good. Day 15 of the 24 Day Challenge was super simple in all areas and is now done! Sautéed onions and red bell peppers with eggs, bacon and turkey for breakfast. Left over pork chops and a delightful kale/Brussels sprouts /cranberry/something/something salad mix from Costco for dinner. There’s enough for one more meal for at least three of us tomorrow. And speaking of tomorrow…Matt has the crockpot set up to start a pork roast with carrots and onions as we head to bed. A little bit of planning to get us a great start for this week! #blog #paleo #24daychallenge #advocare #easyfood #munsonfamily #munsonmischief