Got to do some fun combatives work with Cecil Burch of Immediate Action Combatives this morning!
#munsonmischief #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople #cfs #combatfocusshooting #icetraining #icetrainingco #combatives #mmwp
Got to do some fun combatives work with Cecil Burch of Immediate Action Combatives this morning!
#munsonmischief #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople #cfs #combatfocusshooting #icetraining #icetrainingco #combatives #mmwp
Getting wrapped up on the 1st day of the 8th Annual CFS Instructor Conference. It’s been a wonderfully informative day!
#munsonmischief #shooting #icetraining #icetrainingco #combatfocusshooting #mmwp
I totally dig on Sam Harris’ material. Got a bunch of his Waking Up podcasts ready to go for my trip. 😌
#samharris #wakingup #munsonmischief #mmwp
Quick lifting session before flying out to Phoenix. I know squatting before a flight might not be a great idea, but I’m not sure how much training I’ll be able to fit in on this trip, and the back squats felt good this morning!
#backsquat #startingstrength #strongereveryday #lifelonglifter #munsonmischief #mmwp #crossfit #creekside #creeksidebarbellclub #creeksidefitness #tomball #tomballtx #tomballfitness #thewoodlands #thewoodlandsfitness
Microsecond before the 3rd pull.
#powerclean #creekside #CrossFit #creeksidefitness #creeksidecrossfit #munsonmischief #mmwp
Custom garage gym we’re almost done with. We do high quality fast service work with high value equipment. Contact me if interested.
#mmwp #garagegym #customgym #munsonmischief
Looking forward to starting this one tonight. #mmwp #movingforward #neverstoplearning #bettereveryday
At CrossFit Eado re upping our CF L1!
#crossfit #creekside #creeksidefitness #creeksidecrossfit #mmwp
#munsonmischief #mmwp
Continue with growing the goatee or bring on the beard?
@p4munson votes goatee.
#munsonmischief #mmwp #beard #goatee