Kind of a boring pic but it’s an exciting topic to me. This newest thing may be love. I got in to DIY everything because…I want what I want not what ‘they’ decide to make at this time. I like old things and sturdy things and practical, smart things and in colors like I picture them in my mind. My too much to ask. 🙃 so I’ve been pondering this project since seeing the blog post about dying fabric with chalk paint. Paint? Brilliant! Instead of being limited to the colors from the fabric dye suppliers I can pick from the endless colors from the paint department! And painter’s fabric drop cloth comes in super long lengths as a bonus. So I bought two smaller cloths and have now dyed them. These rough, imperfect, sturdy fabrics will get turned into curtains for the front room. I’m very excited for the possibilities! #munsonmischief #blog #diy #textiles #homedecor