Eating for Mass
Before Pam and I found CrossFit, we’d been recreational bodybuilders and avid weight lifters for years. As anyone that’s been in the …
Before Pam and I found CrossFit, we’d been recreational bodybuilders and avid weight lifters for years. As anyone that’s been in the …
It’s the tiniest of things that make the difference. #strongmama #fitoverforty #liftheavy #getstrong #hashtagchatter #blog
The idea when we bought this house was that, since we owned our own business and so would not be able to …
Before you go and stick your nose in a magnolia check for spiders. #goodadvice #spidersyikes #notafan #nature #blog
Along with the ‘selfie’ phenomenon is the critical view of the practice. I won’t get into that here, but I’m sure we …
I’ve loved what I’ve been doing for the past 8 years which is coach/gym owner/maintenance person/marketing person/part time blogger/small business person. Nutrition …
Loving me some deadlifts. #deadlift #strong #strength #mmwp
I get asked a lot by folks in our AdvoCare organization and other AdvoCare groups what my product regimen is. So, here …
A friend of my mom – Nancy – struggled with high cholesterol during the late 80’s/early 90’s. I was a late teen …
Someone must be missing their parakeet. That or this guy is seriously lost. Thank you for the bright surprise today! #happylife #birds #lostcritter #standingout #blog