Update 6 – 20-Week Beyond 5-3-1
We have now finished up the 3rd rotation in the 2nd 5-week portion of the 20-Week Beyond 5-3-1 program. In this rotation, …
We have now finished up the 3rd rotation in the 2nd 5-week portion of the 20-Week Beyond 5-3-1 program. In this rotation, …
I’ve been a Google user since BJ told us we should be Google users. Gmail replaced Yahoo mail which had replaced MSN’s …
Got some IronMind Tough-As-Nails Sandbags recently! Here are some pics from setting them up. For these first 3 bags we’re making, for …
A weed is any plant that you don’t want. There’s not technically anything wrong with a yard full of dandelions for instance. They’re pretty in a field and they’re edible even but I don’t want a yard full of them so to me they are a weed. This flower could be a weed also. I didn’t plant it. I’ve been watching this guy grow for a while now, waiting to see what he’d end up becoming. Sometimes the weeds are actually presents. This one turned out lovely. Thank you for surprises amongst the weeds! #gardeningissues #homelife #surprises #lovemylife #blog
Me and my girls for Mothers Day dinner. #happylife #blog
The Staff, Judge and Volunteer team at Mayhem At Moody. Fantastic, hard working team; kicked ass all day long! #mmwp
So apparently vehicles can fit IN garages. I thought garages were only for tools and gyms. Crazy!! @m4munson #hubbydontknow #garageuses #sugarmelts #blog
Having a great time helping my good friends Lance and Angel of CrossFit Redefined with their competition this weekend at Moody Gardens …
Moving some weight with an old friend. I enjoyed it Clay! #mmwp
While this is not a post about AdvoCare (nope, not trying to pimp you into our business), I’m mentioning it in this …