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Another page down. 2426 reps/calories plus a bunch of extra reps not counted just cuz. I’ve added running and interval work on rowing and bike. Easily doing double unders in workouts…finally. Missed a much needed massage this week but scheduled with a different guy for next week. Regular stretching and rolling out has to be augmented with a massage person who understands what I’m doing and what I’m trying to accomplish. Repair and prevention. Train smart and hard. #fitlife #fitoverforty #strongmama #massage #healthylife @m4munson #blog


Years ago I picked up Dean Koontz’s book Odd Thomas. We’ve been Koontz readers for a long time but we’re not ‘fan’ kind of people meaning we don’t see folks as any more than just folks. We all have issues, demons, blessings and abilities. That being said I was moved by Odd Thomas to write a note to Me. Koontz. It simply said Thank You for Odd Thomas – P Munson. Dean Koontz wrote me back, intrigued by the simple note, I was added to his Useless News newsletter and have enjoyed it since. Mr. Koontz is definitely on my list of people is love to have dinner with. #deankoontz #books #writer #blog #oddthomas #favoritebooks #favoriteauthors


Which is a better read? Reason by far. But I read Time also because I don’t agree with most of it. It’s easy to stick with stuff I like but looking at things from a different point if view makes me re-evaluate why I believe what I believe. Stretch yourself with new info and questions. Growth is good! #reason #mindfulness #growth #blog #libertarian