Play me a tune! @m4munson #coolness #bagpipes #entertaining #lovinglife #traveltime #blog
Play me a tune! @m4munson #coolness #bagpipes #entertaining #lovinglife #traveltime #blog
Roaming the streets and alleyways of Salt Zlake City. #lovethisguy #vacationsdventures #utah #traveltime #blog
Day two at Caffe D’Bolla. This time with @m4munson #walkingaroundslc #munsonfamily #lovethisguy #exploring #latte #blog
I made that. #crafty #jewelry #pinterestproject #happylife #blog
Super cool book store followed by super cool coffee house and chatting with my sister! Love! #munsonfamily #lovinglife #coffee #latte #sistertime #blog
An outdoor wall of books #blog #books #readinglove
Reading and resting between flights. There is always more to learn. Always. #munsonfamily #longlayover #lovethisguy #alwayslearning #betteryou #blog
Phoenix by the light of the moon. #lovinglife #munsonfamily #traveltime #longlayover #blog
Unwrapped the plants this afternoon and found this little guy unhappy about it. The pic doesn’t show it but he’s a brilliant green. I’ve never seen a frog like this here! Coolness! #suburbia #natureeverywhere #munsonfamily #blog
Matt (my guy) has been very out there with his decision to stop drinking. Me, not so much. But I did stop …