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Page 18


Pulling the house together, changing up the look of the kitchen/breakfast room with custom curtains. I used to find it a bit annoying that I can’t find exactly what I want in the way of any and all decorating but now it’s not so bad. Seeing, building, creating are all creative outlets and while it may take me much longer to pull things together and get a project done it is one of a kind upon completion. #munsonfamily #crafting #sewing #blog #creative #homelife


Beautiful flowers outside 290 Grind in Giddings. We’re on our way home after Matt’s Grandmother’s funeral. She is that anchor kind of person who holds a family together. The person who, when she calls you go, period. She was strong and confident and a natural leader and the world will be less with her passing but those around her greater for having been a part of her life. I will keep my promise to her to always take care of this family. #beautiful #flowers #munsonfamily #grandparents #lovinglife #blog


3 miles this morning. Then 5 rounds of 200m run, 100 ft bear crawl in 7:32. Then bike 1 mile, 30 tire jumps, bike .7 miles, 20 tire jumps, bike .5 miles 10 tire jumps in 10:32 for a cool down. Now I’m pooped, #cf #creeksidetraining #fitover40 #conditioning #stronglife #blog