Getting wrapped up on the 1st day of the 8th Annual CFS Instructor Conference. It’s been a wonderfully informative day!
#munsonmischief #shooting #icetraining #icetrainingco #combatfocusshooting #mmwp
Getting wrapped up on the 1st day of the 8th Annual CFS Instructor Conference. It’s been a wonderfully informative day!
#munsonmischief #shooting #icetraining #icetrainingco #combatfocusshooting #mmwp
I totally dig on Sam Harris’ material. Got a bunch of his Waking Up podcasts ready to go for my trip. 😌
#samharris #wakingup #munsonmischief #mmwp
Quick lifting session before flying out to Phoenix. I know squatting before a flight might not be a great idea, but I’m not sure how much training I’ll be able to fit in on this trip, and the back squats felt good this morning!
#backsquat #startingstrength #strongereveryday #lifelonglifter #munsonmischief #mmwp #crossfit #creekside #creeksidebarbellclub #creeksidefitness #tomball #tomballtx #tomballfitness #thewoodlands #thewoodlandsfitness
Here is the finished Coffee Table that I built (posted HERE). After completing building the table, and then sanding to a not …
Microsecond before the 3rd pull.
#powerclean #creekside #CrossFit #creeksidefitness #creeksidecrossfit #munsonmischief #mmwp
Yay me! And on a side note…we’ve been doing certs and seminars for 9 years now. My all time favorite course for teach instructors how to be better at teaching is the Kids Course. I’ve done that one twice. Break down all the basic movements and then some for a child and you can get most adults moving well also. This was our fourth run through on the L1 and this was the best one for helping you to be s better teacher. The first and second courses were run by Coach Glassman himself which made them unique experiences that I’m grateful to have had. The evolution of this program has been interesting to watch and it feels like the staff at CrossFit headquarters is doing it right. Good job, ya’ll! #crossfit #crossfitseminar #coaching #education #selfimprovement #bettereveryday #blog
One of the cool things about having bottlebrush shrubs on your property is that hummingbirds like them. This was shot through a dirty windshield and about 12 ft from the plant but if you look to the left of the red flower there’s a little bird hovering in space. Pretty cool. #munsonmischief #munsonfamily #suburbia #blog #hummingbird #interesting #bird
We LOVE surprise visits from old CrossFit gym friends! Super awesome to be joined by Denise of @thegranillabar fame and kick butt member of @crossfitwrath! Happy Labor Day, Ya’ll! @m4munson @creeksidecrossfit #friends #creekside #blog #training
Chocolate watches tv. Cracks me up! We’ve never had a dog that could ‘see’ the TV. Mia and I are re-reading the Harry Potter series so it seemed a good idea to re-watch the movies. Chocolate agrees that Harry in the books is much sassier and smarter and much less angry. Movies are good but books are better. Good call, Chocolate! #rescuedog #munsonmischief #adoptdontshop #rescue #fosterdog #foster #savealife #chocolate #blog
Custom garage gym we’re almost done with. We do high quality fast service work with high value equipment. Contact me if interested.
#mmwp #garagegym #customgym #munsonmischief