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Matt & Pam, Page 13


It’s the end of an era. The very last page of the last CrossFit Champions workout journal that I got right before we sold. I never got used to keeping track of my workouts digitally even though that’s how I prefer to keep track of my personal training clients. So it’s back to plain spirals. Old school. Like me. #munsonmischief #oldschool #og #fitness #journal #blog


And then there are days like this where you get up with awesome intentions for grain free sweet potato biscuits and egg muffins for the family. When the biscuits don’t work out right which throws off the schedule and there’s no time to make the eggs you have to improvise. Thank goodness for meal replacement shakes or it would be a fasting kind of morning. Jeb does NOT like smoke in the house so he waits outside for everything to be better. Nice to know in a fire emergency at least one dog would get out. *sigh Happy Friday! #blog #munsonmischief #friday