Delivery day!! Whoop! #munsonmischief #blog #advocare #itsoktotakecareofyourself
Delivery day!! Whoop! #munsonmischief #blog #advocare #itsoktotakecareofyourself
I even approach not-wellness aggressively. This crazy weather is making my sinuses just crazy. Low grade fever (my normal don’t temp is in the 96.4 degree range so 98 degrees is up) gets a hot as the water heater can produce plus all the Epsom salt in the house half hour bath. Heart gets pumping and sweat starts pouring. Don’t tease temperature. You want to get hot, lets get HOT! #munsonmischief #blog #crazyweather #feelbetter #sweat
Kiki has loved Mia from the moment they met. I am thankful every day that whomever had her in the beginning of her life let her go so she could be right here, loving my kid like I love my kid. ❤️ #munsonmischief #blog #dog #rescue #mutt #puppylove
“CrossFit is dangerous.” “I’ve watched all the YouTube videos about how you get injured doing CrossFit so…” “I’ve been doing CrossFit 3-5 …
Pam and I have been reading and hearing about the benefits of float tanks for a couple years now. As an example …
I love conversations with this man! You won’t get anywhere if you don’t have a target and a plan. Sometimes the conversation is about current or past issues, targets, life. Tonight was future. I love future plans. @m4munson #munsonmischief #blog #strategy
Pam and I have been students of health and nutrition for pretty much all our adult lives. We’ve delved into all the …
Reading comprehension, kids. It’s important. 10 rounds is 5 more than I mentally prepared for. I’m hopeful that this is growth because 1. I didn’t get mad 2. I had picked weights based on 5 rounds, and since I made it through 5 additional rounds, I could have gone heavier. 3. I should have gone heavier. This year has been such a mental test. I’m happy with the results so far. #munsonmischief #blog #workout #fitover40 #strong
Solving problems, dreaming big and lifting weights. @m4munson #munsonmischief #blog #happymarriage #lift #strong
Bear! You sneaky boy. How’d you get up here? #munsonmischief #blog #mutt #rescue #lol