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advocare, Page 4


The start of day 3 of our 24 Day Challenge. Probiotics upon waking, fiber drink just before breakfast and then there’s this. Matt makes eggs for the four of us in one big pan then divvies up based on the person. Our girls are full grown adult size with one wanting to maintain and one needing to put some weight on. My goal is to lean up a bit but more importantly to get much cleaner in my diet as I’ve let things slide too much during stress. I get approx. 2.5 eggs with today’s being made with pico de gallo from last night’s dinner and a quarter of an apple. Let’s do this! #fitlife #easyfood #bettereveryday #spark #cleaneating #munsonfamily #healthylife #advocare #24daychallenge #blog


So here is my full day 2 food. I had things to do this morning and the girls were up to their eyeballs in school by the time I got home from work so we did a meal replacement shake which consisted of 2 chocolate meal replacement shake packs, 1 Tbsp almond butter, 1/2 C coconut milk and ice. Fast and easy!
Lunch was left overs from last night’s dinner – chicken breast and cauliflower plus some garlic and chipotle mashed sweet potatoes from Sunday’s dinner.
Dinner was home created chicken tacos with corn tortillas, rotisserie chicken meat, guacamole, pico de gallo, lettuce and a teeny sprinkling of shredded cheese.
I only had 1 Spark today and this afternoon I had a Biocharge. Tons of water (should say some liquid measurement but I don’t feel like it so…tons) and a sampling of watermelon and it’s off to bed with an herbal cleans and more water. Nite! #blog #advocare #24daychallenge #nutrition #healthylife #munsonfamily #fitover40 #fitlife #spark #cleaneating #noexcuses #bettereveryday #easyfood #mom


Another page of effort complete. No PRs as this block was mostly a de-load week which followed a very tough last session. I needed rest. We forget how integral rest is in development but ever hard effort in the gym needs to be followed with rest, clean eating and supportive supplements to help your body rebuild and improve. Working out is pushing your body to its max and then a little bit more. That’s where the soreness comes from. Taking an NSAID (over the counter pain relief) prevents your body from rebuilding and improving because it tells your body, falsely, that there is no need for repair. Proper protein intake jump starts the rebuilding process by providing the raw parts for construction. AdvoCare’s Nighttime Recovery is amino acid and mineral blend that helps the body get into deep sleep which is where the recovery happens and it supplies important building blocks. Check it out. Contact your distributor or if you don’t have a distributor I’d be happy to help you out. Love training and AdvoCare! #blog #fitoverforty #advocare #nighttimerecovery #strongmama #healthylife


Pam @p4munson getting the work in. We just started a bodybuilder pre-contest meal plan (which we’ve never done) to see how lean we can get.
The meal plan coupled with our AdvoCare supplement routine should get us crazy shredded while keeping us healthy and strong.
In addition to our strength routine, Pam is incorporating extra caloric training every day. Every goal needs a plan!
#mmwp #getlean #advocare #precontest


So diet has been dialed in (with one vacation bit of badness) for 12 weeks now. Training in the first part of 2014 was predominantly light weight with more cardio than I usually do. We’ve been on this Wendler’s 5-3-1 program for 12 weeks of consistent training. The biggest supplemental change that’s been made to my program is adding in AdvoCare’s Muscle Strength which is 2000 mg HMB and 200 mg SUMA. All of AdvoCare’s performance product line is thoroughly tested by Informed Choice for over 200 banned substances as well as label accuracy. That’s important. I’m 43 and hitting lifting personal records every week twelve weeks in. Crazy! #advocare #strongmama #fitoverforty #hmb #blog #lovemylife


2505 reps/calories plus miscellaneous movements on this page. There are 4 new personal records on lifts on this page of work. We traveled and wandered off the path a but in our eating during this page but we’re back and dialed in on macronutrients and supplementation. Dial it in and get big results! Diet, exercise and supplementation. It works! #fitoverforty #liftheavy #lovemylife #personalrecords #advocare #blog


Pam and I are always moving forward with new projects and new ventures. She is currently taking a photography course to pursue a part time photography gig. Turning a long time hobby and passion into a reality. (PS, our AdvoCare business gives us the financial and time freedom to do this! -end shameless plug)
#mmwp #timefreedom #advocare #beautifulwife