Day 4 of our AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge went like this…Thursday’s are another early-ish start to the gym work. It’s not crazy like it used to be (hello, 5am!) but it’s an odd time for me to eat as I do not like to eat before being in the heat so the day is started with a probiotic and Pink Lemonade Spark as I head out the door. Fiber drink when I get home followed up with eggs with sautéed onions and bell peppers, tomatoes and guacamole. For lunch today, Alyx and I weren’t really hungry because our breakfast wasn’t until almost noon so we made a fluffed up Meal Replacement Shake – 1 Iced Lemon Cake Shake with added coconut milk, frozen mixed berries with 2 Mandarin Orange Sparks added (1 for each of us) plus two handfuls of ice. Blend it in the Vitamix, split between the two of us and done! Easy! For dinner, Matt made a veggie and ground turkey with ground beef pasta sauce. Zucchini, broccoli, yellow squash and onions make this sauce well rounded. No pasta, no bread. Super filling and there are left overs for tomorrow. I don’t know if anyone has noticed but the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge is built around clean eating and simplicity. I love systems and theirs is simple. Any day is a good day to start treating yourself right. I’d love for you to join us! #itsnotthathard #whattoeat #bettereveryday #cleaneating #fitover40 #munsonfamily #24daychallenge #advocare #blog #healthylife #fitmom #fitfamily